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東森新聞報 更新日期:2006/12/04 18:11 記者:生活中心/台南綜合報導
台灣的記者們,一起來重學中文吧!(Journalists of Taiwan, learn Chinese again!)
Home-made Curry

● 紅燒鰻一罐
● 菜心少許(也是罐頭)
● 咖哩粉(加到黃為只)
● 辣椒粉(辣到噴火為止)
● 五香粉(隨意)
● 科學麵兩包(代替飯)
● 蘋果四分之三顆(沒錯,就是蘋果)
● 鹽
意想不到的好吃,可是有點鹹。可能是因為都用罐頭的關係,如果可以,應該使用新鮮食材。另外,加入蘋果的效果特好!乍看之下以為是馬鈴薯,但表面吸入青辣 咖哩之的蘋果丁,一咬下去便可以嚐到原有的酸甜味。令人口齒留香!而效法魯味科學麵,取代白飯的咖哩科學麵也讓這道胡亂煮加分。吸滿咖哩汁的麵條更有彈 性,更有嚼勁!配上紅燒鰻以及菜心,嗯,我個人給這道菜打 80 分。
A trip to Hualien

I went to the Harvest Festival at the Shueilien Village in Hualien. It was the first that I went joining such event. And it was quite impressive.
The village I went to is called Shueuiline, which locates right beside Yianliao but in the south. The village is quite big, occupying two sides of the road. The terrain of the village is quite flat, with some hills, and a lovely beach. The main event venue of the festival was held at the square of the Village Office, which is right next to Shueilien Elementary School. The day I arrived was villagers' Grand Picnic Day, when all villagers came to this square, bringing their harvest to share with everyone. Some Amis, the tribe that the village belongs to, even brought their hunting games. There were boars, ducks, and fox, and many fresh vegetables and vines. When I began savoring the flavor of wild boars, my attention was soon attracted by a dead object. Apparantly, it is the head of something I am eating now. I kind of stunned, but the food was delicous, so ...

Later, I went hanging around the place. And I found that English has penetrated into the small English, the evidence is shown in the pics. I saw this kind of billigual sign post everywhere on the campus. Hmm, I think it's a shame for the government to ask schools do this. What's purpose of showing this kind of sign? However, I tried to ignore the english and focused on the patterns on the sign. Well, I think they are quite special.
For the coming two days, there are more events to come. So there are more stories to come.
dinner at Yie Ji
Tonight, for a change, we choose to eat some traditional taiwanese csine. The most mouth-watering food in Taiwan is some cuisines from the southern part of Taiwan, to be precisely at pointing the location, foods from Tainan. I have studied in Tainan for four years, and I have always tried to find really good Tainan food at Taipei city. However, I've always disppointed at the so-called Tainan food in Taipei, since the taste and everything is different from those I had in Tainan. But the urge lingers, and tonight we go into Yie Ji to try them out.
First we ordered Yi noodle, both dry noodle and with soup. The dry noodle definitely taste better since the soup is a bit greasy. And the taste is washed down the soup, making it almost tastless. After a good stir, the dry noodle tastes just like the ones I had back in Tainan. The noodles are elastic, making chewing thme a pleasure. And the braised meat is shredded in tiny pieces so the every mouthful of noodles allow you to capture the full flavor of the ingredients in the bowl. For people who want a stronger taste, I suggest them to add extra spice sauce. Though I don't think the spicy sauce tastes that good. It's better to try the original taste, and remember the taste in your mouth so you can compare the taste for future Yi noodles. The noodle gets three stars out of five.
The braised meat rice is a mess. It's sweet and greasy. Adding pepper or anything won't help at all. So don't try the dish, but definitely give it a try on the braised egg. Like tea egg, the braised egg is a local and common specialty everywhere. The white is hard-boiled with an outer skin of sauce. When bite inside, the yolk instantly melts into your mouth. And the combination is absolutely great. Everyone should try this.
The other dish that you can never miss is the red-oil wanton. It is several wantons dipped in red hot spice oil, dotted with fresh shredded green onions and vegetables. Though it is called red-oil, it is not that spicy. The sauce is based on broth, cooked with herbs and vinegar. After pour the broth into the bowl, put in the wantons and a spoonful of spicy oil. Then the combination makes a mouth-watering dish. The stuffing of wantons are fresh pork. When you eat it, you must use a spoon to have some broth and red oil init, then have a bite of wanton first. then put the rest in the spoon and swallow it. The tase lingers all your mouth. I will give four stars to this dish. Since it is the first one that I tasted so far that has the closest taste to the ones in Tainan.
So come here for a hearty dinner.
Yie Ji
tel: 02-2362-9916
No. 2, Lane 333, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Road.
Have fun there!!
First we ordered Yi noodle, both dry noodle and with soup. The dry noodle definitely taste better since the soup is a bit greasy. And the taste is washed down the soup, making it almost tastless. After a good stir, the dry noodle tastes just like the ones I had back in Tainan. The noodles are elastic, making chewing thme a pleasure. And the braised meat is shredded in tiny pieces so the every mouthful of noodles allow you to capture the full flavor of the ingredients in the bowl. For people who want a stronger taste, I suggest them to add extra spice sauce. Though I don't think the spicy sauce tastes that good. It's better to try the original taste, and remember the taste in your mouth so you can compare the taste for future Yi noodles. The noodle gets three stars out of five.
The braised meat rice is a mess. It's sweet and greasy. Adding pepper or anything won't help at all. So don't try the dish, but definitely give it a try on the braised egg. Like tea egg, the braised egg is a local and common specialty everywhere. The white is hard-boiled with an outer skin of sauce. When bite inside, the yolk instantly melts into your mouth. And the combination is absolutely great. Everyone should try this.
The other dish that you can never miss is the red-oil wanton. It is several wantons dipped in red hot spice oil, dotted with fresh shredded green onions and vegetables. Though it is called red-oil, it is not that spicy. The sauce is based on broth, cooked with herbs and vinegar. After pour the broth into the bowl, put in the wantons and a spoonful of spicy oil. Then the combination makes a mouth-watering dish. The stuffing of wantons are fresh pork. When you eat it, you must use a spoon to have some broth and red oil init, then have a bite of wanton first. then put the rest in the spoon and swallow it. The tase lingers all your mouth. I will give four stars to this dish. Since it is the first one that I tasted so far that has the closest taste to the ones in Tainan.
So come here for a hearty dinner.
Yie Ji
tel: 02-2362-9916
No. 2, Lane 333, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Road.
Have fun there!!
Tonight @ Bongos
Tonight, we had a hearty dinner at the Bongos, a deli that serves affordable food and drinks for everyone.
The place is cozy with many seas and tables. Well, here comes the first complaints from me: the tables. The table are too wide!! Maybe they are good for many people sitting together and have a bid meal, but there seems to be a lack of small table for people who come in in small numbers. We three sat by a large table. The table made us difficult to hear each other. There were lots of sutdents or young people talking and playing, which made it even more difficult to converse. So for couple who want to enjoy a romantic moments, this is definitely not the place to go. Instead, Bongos is great place for family gatherings and school reunions.
The best thing about parties is to enjoy delicious food and drinks. At Bongos, your taset buds will be satisfied with its varied menu. The menu lists Mexican food, pasta, salads, and American-style burgers. What's more, it provides a wide variesty of beer, you can select local Taiwan beer as well as Beligian beer (yes, Beligin beer!!). Not to mention several British beer. So after briwsing the menu for several minutes, because the noise was making me have trouble figuring out what are the ingredients of each dish, I chose fish 'n' chips. Very British, but somehow different. Judging by experiences, this british dish is altered to meet the taste of locals. The chips are great, and sufficinet to feed your stomach. The single fried cod fillet was juicy and salty. The crispy crust retains the juice of fresh cod. When you take a bite of the fish, you can taste the falvor of ocean right in your mouth. I don't quite remember the taste of side sauce, since the original tastes are already good. The dish would get 2.5 out of five stars.
Then need something to quench the greasy taste? You need British beer to go with this British dish. I ordered Murohy's stout to go with dish. It a great combination. The stout is a little bit dry, but still maintains its sweetness and fragrance. But the place obviously has nothing to go with the beer. For there is a custom that each beer has its own cup. So here comes another complaint, the cup is not the one for this kind of beer. I somehow felt disappointed. With continuous noise and lack of service, the place becomes intolerable for people who come in the enjoy the meals. But it's great to see the backwall's filled with books. I guess that the place might be a lot quiet in the afternoon. I think that's the time to enjoy the dish and kill time. Judgin on that, I will give the atomosphere 3 out of five stars. Here is definitely a great place for gatherings and parties as I said before.
The deli closes at 2200, so might be a place for people to hang out and watch people. Though I had some bad experiences, I still recommend this place is worthy a visit. But of course, bring your friends along.
Bongos info:
No. 3, Alley 5, Lane 74, Wenjou Street, Taipei
(02) 2365-6059
If you are lost in the maze, call Debby 0952-821-930
Have fun there!!
The place is cozy with many seas and tables. Well, here comes the first complaints from me: the tables. The table are too wide!! Maybe they are good for many people sitting together and have a bid meal, but there seems to be a lack of small table for people who come in in small numbers. We three sat by a large table. The table made us difficult to hear each other. There were lots of sutdents or young people talking and playing, which made it even more difficult to converse. So for couple who want to enjoy a romantic moments, this is definitely not the place to go. Instead, Bongos is great place for family gatherings and school reunions.
The best thing about parties is to enjoy delicious food and drinks. At Bongos, your taset buds will be satisfied with its varied menu. The menu lists Mexican food, pasta, salads, and American-style burgers. What's more, it provides a wide variesty of beer, you can select local Taiwan beer as well as Beligian beer (yes, Beligin beer!!). Not to mention several British beer. So after briwsing the menu for several minutes, because the noise was making me have trouble figuring out what are the ingredients of each dish, I chose fish 'n' chips. Very British, but somehow different. Judging by experiences, this british dish is altered to meet the taste of locals. The chips are great, and sufficinet to feed your stomach. The single fried cod fillet was juicy and salty. The crispy crust retains the juice of fresh cod. When you take a bite of the fish, you can taste the falvor of ocean right in your mouth. I don't quite remember the taste of side sauce, since the original tastes are already good. The dish would get 2.5 out of five stars.
Then need something to quench the greasy taste? You need British beer to go with this British dish. I ordered Murohy's stout to go with dish. It a great combination. The stout is a little bit dry, but still maintains its sweetness and fragrance. But the place obviously has nothing to go with the beer. For there is a custom that each beer has its own cup. So here comes another complaint, the cup is not the one for this kind of beer. I somehow felt disappointed. With continuous noise and lack of service, the place becomes intolerable for people who come in the enjoy the meals. But it's great to see the backwall's filled with books. I guess that the place might be a lot quiet in the afternoon. I think that's the time to enjoy the dish and kill time. Judgin on that, I will give the atomosphere 3 out of five stars. Here is definitely a great place for gatherings and parties as I said before.
The deli closes at 2200, so might be a place for people to hang out and watch people. Though I had some bad experiences, I still recommend this place is worthy a visit. But of course, bring your friends along.
Bongos info:
No. 3, Alley 5, Lane 74, Wenjou Street, Taipei
(02) 2365-6059
If you are lost in the maze, call Debby 0952-821-930
Have fun there!!
Lao Chang's Beef Noodle
Last night, I was alone and didn't have any dates, so I went to nearby Yungkang Street for a walk.
As usual, the walk through Daan Park was still a pleasure. There is a ring for inline skating and there were many kids circling around it. I heard laughter and shouts from them. It reminded me of my own childhood. It was lonely and lonely. So different from the scenes I saw, the kids were having fun together and enjoyed themselves. It somehow made me feel melancholy. I am kind of sentimental, but it happens.
When I arrived the street, I was almost drenched by my own sweat. So i wanted to sit in an air-conditioned place and have something to eat. I originally planned to have Vietnamese food, but I didn't really feel want to. The beef noodle beside the YungKang Park was open, I was happy to have a boiling beef noodle there, but there was no air-conditioning. I halted in midway because I might sweat more, making the dinner an uncomfortable one. I needed something to cheer me up, so a good dinner was what I need. Finally, I decided to go the beef boodle shop I used to go several times. I was sure that the shop has great air-conditioning. When I was almost near the shop, I changed my mind. I wanted to go to the one beside it. It is called "Lao Chang's" (or Old Chang's), so I got in and sat down.
There was great air-condition, which cooled me down immediately. Friendly service and lively atmosphere. I ordered a spicy beef tendon noodle (there are three flavors to choose from: tomatoe soup, beef broth, and spicy soup) and a plate of pickles. In less than eight minutes, the noodle was on my table.
First, it looked good. With slices of beef and tendon and spicy oil and shrdded green onion. The only thing I have to complain is that there was too few the green onion. Then I tasted the soup. It was salty, but still retained the definite flavor of beef. I can taste the sweetness of beef and some seasonings in the soup. It's not greasy, when you stir the noodles and beef, the spicy oil just blended into the soup, so I am sure that there wasn't too much oil to spoil your stomach. The combination was just right, so in the end I almost gulged down every soup. I wouldn't do this in other place, because most of the beef soup is "too" salty and "too" greasy. One more thing to say is that I didn't add extra spice into it. Normally in other places, I would add extra spice, because it's not spicy enough. However, this bowl of noodle at Lao Chang's was just perfect. Third, which I though was a defect: the noodles. I though the noodles might be thick and hand-made. Unfortunately, it was not. The noodles are just noraml ones. It didn't add to the flavor of total dinning experience. From one to five stars, I would give three. But it's worth it.
Then, the dinning atmosphere. It was a little bit crowded, but acceptable. Customers seemed to be old firends. Everyone was satisfied with the amount of the noodles, some were having frentic talks, and some were there with families. I guessed eveyrone was satisfied with the taste of the noodle and happy. I found that young Taiwan people don't have many facial expressions. In contrast, the older people tend to smile more often and show their comments on the food they eat. That's another story. For myself, I loved the beef noodle and will come back soon for more!!
Lao Chang's information
No. 19, Alley 31, Section 2, Jingshan South Road, Taipei
As usual, the walk through Daan Park was still a pleasure. There is a ring for inline skating and there were many kids circling around it. I heard laughter and shouts from them. It reminded me of my own childhood. It was lonely and lonely. So different from the scenes I saw, the kids were having fun together and enjoyed themselves. It somehow made me feel melancholy. I am kind of sentimental, but it happens.
When I arrived the street, I was almost drenched by my own sweat. So i wanted to sit in an air-conditioned place and have something to eat. I originally planned to have Vietnamese food, but I didn't really feel want to. The beef noodle beside the YungKang Park was open, I was happy to have a boiling beef noodle there, but there was no air-conditioning. I halted in midway because I might sweat more, making the dinner an uncomfortable one. I needed something to cheer me up, so a good dinner was what I need. Finally, I decided to go the beef boodle shop I used to go several times. I was sure that the shop has great air-conditioning. When I was almost near the shop, I changed my mind. I wanted to go to the one beside it. It is called "Lao Chang's" (or Old Chang's), so I got in and sat down.
There was great air-condition, which cooled me down immediately. Friendly service and lively atmosphere. I ordered a spicy beef tendon noodle (there are three flavors to choose from: tomatoe soup, beef broth, and spicy soup) and a plate of pickles. In less than eight minutes, the noodle was on my table.
First, it looked good. With slices of beef and tendon and spicy oil and shrdded green onion. The only thing I have to complain is that there was too few the green onion. Then I tasted the soup. It was salty, but still retained the definite flavor of beef. I can taste the sweetness of beef and some seasonings in the soup. It's not greasy, when you stir the noodles and beef, the spicy oil just blended into the soup, so I am sure that there wasn't too much oil to spoil your stomach. The combination was just right, so in the end I almost gulged down every soup. I wouldn't do this in other place, because most of the beef soup is "too" salty and "too" greasy. One more thing to say is that I didn't add extra spice into it. Normally in other places, I would add extra spice, because it's not spicy enough. However, this bowl of noodle at Lao Chang's was just perfect. Third, which I though was a defect: the noodles. I though the noodles might be thick and hand-made. Unfortunately, it was not. The noodles are just noraml ones. It didn't add to the flavor of total dinning experience. From one to five stars, I would give three. But it's worth it.
Then, the dinning atmosphere. It was a little bit crowded, but acceptable. Customers seemed to be old firends. Everyone was satisfied with the amount of the noodles, some were having frentic talks, and some were there with families. I guessed eveyrone was satisfied with the taste of the noodle and happy. I found that young Taiwan people don't have many facial expressions. In contrast, the older people tend to smile more often and show their comments on the food they eat. That's another story. For myself, I loved the beef noodle and will come back soon for more!!
Lao Chang's information
No. 19, Alley 31, Section 2, Jingshan South Road, Taipei
Daan Park
My office is just beside the Daan Park, the largest city park in Taipei city. However, I haven't paid this park many visits as I have thought earlier. Now, I quit my job, my position has been taken over, and I have fewer things to do, it is when I think of going to the park more often. Strange isn't it?
Well, during today's lunch break, i head out for a walk in the park. It is amazingly beautiful, The sky is so blue and the clouds so white. Seems like a movie scenes. But unfortunately, it is too hot. For twnenty minutes, I just sat in the tree shades. I am thinking about the tragic ending of novel, so it's a great place for thinking.
Anyway, the park is for blue editors as well as for happy couples. As you see in the photo, which is taken with my Sony Ericsson, the husband is stretching out, while his wife walks slowly with an umbrella. This scene is interesting to me. For it reminds me of old times. The male was always walking so fast regardless the slow pace of his caompay. Well, it just occurs to me, I don't have any particular meaning. I will have many other chances of visiting the park in the coming days. So expect something from this park.
Well, during today's lunch break, i head out for a walk in the park. It is amazingly beautiful, The sky is so blue and the clouds so white. Seems like a movie scenes. But unfortunately, it is too hot. For twnenty minutes, I just sat in the tree shades. I am thinking about the tragic ending of novel, so it's a great place for thinking.
Anyway, the park is for blue editors as well as for happy couples. As you see in the photo, which is taken with my Sony Ericsson, the husband is stretching out, while his wife walks slowly with an umbrella. This scene is interesting to me. For it reminds me of old times. The male was always walking so fast regardless the slow pace of his caompay. Well, it just occurs to me, I don't have any particular meaning. I will have many other chances of visiting the park in the coming days. So expect something from this park.
Dragon beer
this monday night, i was taking a walk with my girl friend on the campus of a famous university near Muja. It was a very great night. the tempwerature was mild because of passing typhoon in the south. I originally thought the typhoon would bring much rain and fierce wind, so i might have a typhoon holiday. However, it seemed that this mid-level typhoon wasn't going to satisfy our wish. So we didn't have a day off and had to work as normal.
If you are a visitor in Taiwan, es[ecially when a typhoon hits, you might notice that the sky before and after the typhoon will clear up, revealing the most azure sky ever. That night had the same effect. Though the sun has set, but the sky was clear. It was a nice walk and the campus was kind of deserted since it's summer vacation now. We heard nothing but the cicadas' songs and the laughter of kids racing around the campus on their bicycles.
Walked about two hours and we found out that this restaurant in the building beside the newly-built swimming pool. The restaurant is call Ken & Richard's. It is a American style restaurant, serving snacks, burgers, pasta, a variety of beer, and wine. And the most imortant of all, the food is offered at reasonable price. Because the main consumers of the restaurant are students and staff of the university. During semester, the restaurant is opened until mid-night, while during vacation it's opened only until nine. What a pity, planned to stay later to enjoy the beer and snacks.
OK, when food arrived, I was quite satisfied with the amount of them. There were a pile of giant fried onion rings, and a full basket of fries. I had a belgian beer call Dragon Beer. It is a 10% alcohol beverage that has a fragrant smell and creamy taste. The taste is a perfect balanced combination of sweetness and acidity. It is stimulating, but definitely put a smile on my face. The onion rings are delicious and crispy when hot. They're always greasy when cold, so eat them before thy get cold. The onions are very sweet and have a crispy crumb. The fries are made in V-shaped and deep fried with skin. Seasoned with raw salt, they are a delicacy to go with the stimulating beer. Great combination! But they might be fattening, so maybe another walk after this.
So, we left at nine o'clock, though having some compalints to the waiter. Because he kept syaing they're closing at nice sharp. They have to clean the cups and everything before hand, bla bla... We didn't argue with him because we thought he might be just a student or son. Besides that, the restaurant offered a great place to go at night.
Restaurant Information as followed:
Ken & Richard's
2 Flr., Ci-Sian Building in NCCU Taipei City
Have fun there!!
If you are a visitor in Taiwan, es[ecially when a typhoon hits, you might notice that the sky before and after the typhoon will clear up, revealing the most azure sky ever. That night had the same effect. Though the sun has set, but the sky was clear. It was a nice walk and the campus was kind of deserted since it's summer vacation now. We heard nothing but the cicadas' songs and the laughter of kids racing around the campus on their bicycles.
Walked about two hours and we found out that this restaurant in the building beside the newly-built swimming pool. The restaurant is call Ken & Richard's. It is a American style restaurant, serving snacks, burgers, pasta, a variety of beer, and wine. And the most imortant of all, the food is offered at reasonable price. Because the main consumers of the restaurant are students and staff of the university. During semester, the restaurant is opened until mid-night, while during vacation it's opened only until nine. What a pity, planned to stay later to enjoy the beer and snacks.
OK, when food arrived, I was quite satisfied with the amount of them. There were a pile of giant fried onion rings, and a full basket of fries. I had a belgian beer call Dragon Beer. It is a 10% alcohol beverage that has a fragrant smell and creamy taste. The taste is a perfect balanced combination of sweetness and acidity. It is stimulating, but definitely put a smile on my face. The onion rings are delicious and crispy when hot. They're always greasy when cold, so eat them before thy get cold. The onions are very sweet and have a crispy crumb. The fries are made in V-shaped and deep fried with skin. Seasoned with raw salt, they are a delicacy to go with the stimulating beer. Great combination! But they might be fattening, so maybe another walk after this.
So, we left at nine o'clock, though having some compalints to the waiter. Because he kept syaing they're closing at nice sharp. They have to clean the cups and everything before hand, bla bla... We didn't argue with him because we thought he might be just a student or son. Besides that, the restaurant offered a great place to go at night.
Restaurant Information as followed:
Ken & Richard's
2 Flr., Ci-Sian Building in NCCU Taipei City
Have fun there!!
We have to hike up into the moutains to swim. So we took our bags and followed the walking trail up into the moutains. We walked along the same river upstream. The river water was always clear and the scenes around the river was just so natural. We walked in the woods. I saw many trees and smell in the woods was refreshing. The woods gave me a feeling of those horror movies. It is dark and there seems to be some creatures watching at us into the distance that our eyes couldn't see. But it was a good walk. I sweat a lot, but it was really a good walk. We walked past some dams, creeks, and some ponds. I was always thinking that there might be gienies jumping out of these things. Because everything seemed so unreal.
After 30 minutes walk, we arrived the place in the picture. It was just too perfect for us to swim in and suntan at. It seemed small in the picture, but actually it was enough to privde 20 people to swim together. And the rocks were flat, ideal for suntanning. The water water cold. When I dove with my goggle, I could see tiny fish swimming at the bottom. Because there were no other people, the place was ours. We enjoyed the pleasure of swimming naked in it. The sunshine shone on our bare bodies, but the river was cold enough to rid of the heat. It was a good swimming pool. We took fully advantage of the pool and stayed there for 3 hours. The trip was worthwhile, since if I were in the office, all I could do might be just to finish off some routines. So Wulai provided us with a natural expeirence. I would definitely go there some other times.
After 30 minutes walk, we arrived the place in the picture. It was just too perfect for us to swim in and suntan at. It seemed small in the picture, but actually it was enough to privde 20 people to swim together. And the rocks were flat, ideal for suntanning. The water water cold. When I dove with my goggle, I could see tiny fish swimming at the bottom. Because there were no other people, the place was ours. We enjoyed the pleasure of swimming naked in it. The sunshine shone on our bare bodies, but the river was cold enough to rid of the heat. It was a good swimming pool. We took fully advantage of the pool and stayed there for 3 hours. The trip was worthwhile, since if I were in the office, all I could do might be just to finish off some routines. So Wulai provided us with a natural expeirence. I would definitely go there some other times.
The other day I was having a day off, and went to Wulai in Taipei County. One of my friends suggested going swimming in the mountains of the area. OK, why not? So we packed up and drove into the moutains. Before entering the area, we have to apply for mountain entrance permit, which cost NT$10 per person. It was easy to get it done. Then we have to drive 13 kilometers of winding trails to the secret place for swimming and suntanning. The 13 kilometers trails was really winding and narrow, but the view was great. The moutains were covered with dense forest, and there were some waterfalls that added the beauty to the drive. Too bad I was the one driving, otherwise, i might have a chance viewing it.
Finally we arrived the place, where apparantly there were no people at the place. The place has a clearing, for parking I think. Then we got off the car and rushed to the river side and saw the clear water in the picture. The water was cool, and with hot sunshine, I had a feeling that the trip would be great.
Finally we arrived the place, where apparantly there were no people at the place. The place has a clearing, for parking I think. Then we got off the car and rushed to the river side and saw the clear water in the picture. The water was cool, and with hot sunshine, I had a feeling that the trip would be great.
Fish Jaws
These roasted fish jaws are delicious! They are roasted with raw salt and then squeeze some lime juice onto them. Fantastic! Fish jaws contain lots of gel, which is good to skin. This is one of dishes that one must try in any local seafood delis. This boxed snack costs NT$100. It sure can make you come back for more.
When I first saw this dog, I was shicked! How can a dog be so fat? Well, I think this dog must have a great time eating those dog foods. And it has become the mascot of this deli.
These are very common dishes in Taipei. You can almost find it in any night markets or traditional market. On the left is TianBuLa, which is made up of fish sticks, sliced blood sausage, turnip and bean curb. On the upper center is bamboo soup. Very sweet and the bamboo slices taste delicious. On the right is Braised Meat Rice. It's not salty, but bit greasy. The braised is made of pig's skin and meat, decilicious to eat. The egg is also cooked in the braise. Perfect combination.
This bowl of noodles (dry noodle) is very common in Taipei. You can find it near DaAn Park. It costs only NT$50, so it's a really smart choice. It's made of shredded vegetable and braised meat. Delicious!
This bowl of noodle is only NT$50! It taste really delicous, for some dare eaters, you can put in lots of hot peppers like me. Peppers are free, you can add as much as you want (just don't panic other diners).
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