I went to the Harvest Festival at the Shueilien Village in Hualien. It was the first that I went joining such event. And it was quite impressive.
The village I went to is called Shueuiline, which locates right beside Yianliao but in the south. The village is quite big, occupying two sides of the road. The terrain of the village is quite flat, with some hills, and a lovely beach. The main event venue of the festival was held at the square of the Village Office, which is right next to Shueilien Elementary School. The day I arrived was villagers' Grand Picnic Day, when all villagers came to this square, bringing their harvest to share with everyone. Some Amis, the tribe that the village belongs to, even brought their hunting games. There were boars, ducks, and fox, and many fresh vegetables and vines. When I began savoring the flavor of wild boars, my attention was soon attracted by a dead object. Apparantly, it is the head of something I am eating now. I kind of stunned, but the food was delicous, so ...

Later, I went hanging around the place. And I found that English has penetrated into the small English, the evidence is shown in the pics. I saw this kind of billigual sign post everywhere on the campus. Hmm, I think it's a shame for the government to ask schools do this. What's purpose of showing this kind of sign? However, I tried to ignore the english and focused on the patterns on the sign. Well, I think they are quite special.
For the coming two days, there are more events to come. So there are more stories to come.