
what does chantilly mean in English?

the french word "chantilly" is a word that i can't locate in my dictionary. looked it up on the net and find that i t mean "whipped cream" in english. hmm..., i think chantilly sounds like an elegant word.
La crème chantilly
wipped cream
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Anonymous said...

so then is it a color? like the song goes chantilly lace and a pretty face so then it means whipped cream color lace then?

haha said...

I believe Chantilly is a commune in France, therefore the lace and the cream must have originated from there.


"Chantilly gave its name to the world-famous Chantilly cream, which was popularised by the chef of the princes of Condé, François Vatel." - Wikipedia

"Chantilly lace is a handmade bobbin lace named for the city of Chantilly,[1] France, dating from the 17th century,[2][3] though the most famous are silk laces introduced in the 18th century. Though named for Chantilly, France, most of the lace bearing this name was actually made in Bayeux in France and Geraardsbergen, now in Belgium." - Wikipedia